fix sony klv-32r302c tv screen freezing

fix sony klv-32r302c tv screen freezing

How to Fix Sony TV Screen Freezing on KLV-32R302C: Step-by-Step Solutions

A unique fault for repair in my workshop this was the Sony LED TV model number klv – 32r302c. turn on the TV. his picture was freezing and there was noise in the sound. it looked like the scanning of the panel was stopping.I took time from the customer for this job and booked the set for repair.

fault analize

I opened this TV by shifting it to the lab and started to analize its fault. I tested the voltage of its mainboard.

1-I did his 19 volte test it was OK
2-The 3.3 volts were also OK
3-His 1.2 volte were also OK
4-His 1.5 volte were fine too

fault finding

Audio Amplifier Inspection
Now I thought that if the sound was noisy, the screen was freezing due to the noise in the clock data due to the sound IC error. I first checked the source connections of the sound amplifire IC to see if these systems were reaching the IC. they were all communicating with the system IC properly. now I decided that its sound amplifire would have changed the IC but it didn’t help. the fault was the same as the one.

Fault trace

I took my doubt away and checked his panel with a second board, so the panel was working perfectly. Now I thought that subtly testing every part of this mainboard. I checked its resistors. all the resistors were in good condition. ceramic capacitors were also checked. they were also fine. Sony’s boards used indicator coils to supply the system IC. the main IC had an indicator coil faulty
that was giving the system IC a 3.3 volte supply. I’ve had fault lines, but in this case, this coil was something that caused screen freezing and sound problems. in the set, I changed this fault indicator coil, so my TV perfect started working.

fault image

I attached the picture with this article that expanded the fault well and marked the fault area and the fault part to make it easier to understand the article.

fix sony klv-32r302c tv screen freezing
fix sony klv-32r302c tv screen freezing

By working on this fault, I came to the conclusion that there are several parts that can cause more than one fault crate, especially my experience with inductor coils, because they can have different faults in the circuit, since this coil is both frequency and voltage affected by its devalue.

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