klv-32r302C 5 blink Error
Model number klv-32r302C Sony LED television came to my workshop for repair, the customer said that the set had turned off for a moment while running, when I turned it on again with the remote, the Sony logo showed and the set went to 5 blinks
{ Fault 5 blinks }
After opening the back cover, I checked the conductor coils and clock data voltage, finding the latter incorrect. Tracing from the system IC, I confirmed the clock data resistance at 100 ohms but detected a 180-ohm resistance shorting to ground. Disconnecting the panel revealed the short circuit was within the panel ID section. Upon inspecting the panel, I found a short on the SCL_1 track; cutting this track, which had a protective diode, resolved the issue.
The diode D12 was faulty
turned on the set, and my panel ran perfectly. The job is done.