how to fix Sony tv 3 Time Blink kdl-50w800C

how to fix Sony tv 3 Time Blink kdl-50w800C

I came to the workshop for repairs to the Sony TV model number kdl – 50w800c this set had a 3 blink fault. when this set is turned on, it immediately shifts to 3 Time Blink. this is actually the automatic protection system of the main board. if there is a fault in any section, the protection will be turned on.

Fault analysis

3 time blinking usually shows the problem in the five volt power supply line system IC monitors this power supply line through a voltage divider five voltage power supply line decrease or voltage loss can be the cause of this fault if 5 volte is correct then we will have to take the deep and search for this fault.

5 Volte Power supply line

The five voltage power supply line in this case was fine. now I had to find its reference point. for this, I set the multimeter to the buzzer and started testing the resistors around the system IC with the five volt power supply line.

fault finding

One resistor was having a five-volt power supply connect to the next point of this resistor, another resistor was being grounded. the center point of these two resistors was the 2.1 V reference point. this voltage divider had a 10k resistor damaged. it had value inaccuracies. I replaced this chip resistor, so my fault was fixed.

fault image

With this article, I also attached the photo, which manipulated the fault area and fault part to make the article easier to understand.

How to fix Sony Tv 3 Time Blink kdl-50W800C
How to fix Sony Tv 3 Time Blink kdl-50W800C

In this case, the way I traced the fault, this is the correct way to reach the fault.I used to take a lot of time on a fault and write it in the form of an article that fellow technicians can learn something from it such a chip level fault finding you won’t find anywhere.

Sony Led Tv Repair Center Lahore

Before giving my advice to LED TV users to repair your TV, watch the technician’s favelafication. there are people who take the TV from you and get it repaired from the front, that is, the middleman, it costs you money, your TV is not original.

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