how to repair 5 blink fault klv-40r302C

how to repair 5 blink fault klv-40r302C


A Sony LED TV model KLV-40R302C was brought to the workshop for repair. The primary issue reported was that the TV displayed a 5 blinking error code. Upon powering on, the TV would briefly show the Sony logo and then immediately shut down, indicating a hardware fault. This case study outlines the diagnostic process, fault identification, and repair procedure.

Fault Description

The TV exhibited a 5 blinking error code, which is a common indicator of a communication issue between the mainboard and the panel. The error typically points to a problem with the clock data or communication lines. Since the TV displayed the Sony logo before shutting down, it was clear that the panel was functioning, and the issue likely resided in the mainboard or its connections.

Diagnostic Process

1. Initial Inspection

The TV was opened, and the mainboard was inspected. The LVDS (Low-Voltage Differential Signaling) cable connecting the mainboard to the panel was checked first. The cable was found to be in good condition, with no visible signs of damage or loose connections.

2. Tracing Clock Data Lines

The clock data lines on the mainboard were traced to identify any potential faults. These lines are responsible for communication between the system IC and the panel. Two 100-ohm resistors were found along these tracks, which play a critical role in maintaining signal integrity.

3. Voltage Testing
Voltage testing was performed at key points along the clock data lines. One of the 100-ohm resistors showed abnormal resistance values, indicating that it was faulty. This resistor was disrupting the communication between the system IC and the panel, causing the 5 blinking error.

Repair Procedure

1. Replacement of Faulty Resistor
The defective 100-ohm resistor was carefully desoldered and replaced with a new one of the same value. After the replacement, the TV was reassembled and powered on.

2. Testing
Upon powering up, the TV displayed the Sony logo and successfully booted without showing the 5 blinking error. The repair was confirmed to be successful, and the TV was fully functional.

Fault Image and Documentation

Attached with this report is an image highlighting the faulty component on the mainboard. The image clearly marks the defective 100-ohm resistor and includes its value for reference. This visual documentation serves as a guide for technicians encountering similar issues.

 highlighting the faulty component on the mainboard.
Clock data resistance replace


This repair case highlights the importance of thorough diagnostic procedures and attention to detail when dealing with hardware faults. By systematically tracing the clock data lines and identifying the faulty resistor, the issue was resolved efficiently. This case serves as a valuable reference for technicians working on similar Sony LED TV models.

General Guidelines for Customers

It is essential to keep the TV in a clean and dry place to prevent damage to its hardware. Dust and moisture can cause hardware issues, so customers are advised to clean the TV regularly and keep it away from damp areas. Additionally, ensure the TV is placed in a well-ventilated area to avoid overheating. Overheating not only affects the TV’s performance but also increases the risk of component failure.

If the TV is not going to be used for an extended period, turn it off and cover it with a dust cover. This will help extend the TV’s lifespan. Customers are also recommended to use a surge protector to safeguard the TV from sudden power spikes. These small precautionary measures can significantly improve the TV’s performance and ensure its longevity.

How to repair 5 blink fault klv-40r302C
How to repair 5 blink fault klv-40r302C

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