TCL 32s6500 com to the works shop dead fault I checked it after turning off the power supply in this ob2273 pwm ic is installed, 300v is also coming on its main filter capacitor, the main
mosfet was also fine, load resistance was also
ok, Feedback reference 470 Ω also fine
when I checked ob2273’s vcc at 18 volts, the voltage was around 1.2 ohm, I checked the vcc and ground torque, that was also ok, two resistances of R4303 were installed from 300v, one of those resistances was devalued due to which ob2273’s vcc threshold level was not being achieved, that is, if at least 12v goes on vcc, the ic will operate  i have chang R4303 resistance power supply working fine , set is okay

electronic circuit board from a TCL 32S6500 model, which appears to be a television. The board includes various components like capacitors, resistors, and integrated circuits, and there’s also a Sony logo visible.
TCL 32S6500 Dead Fault

Sony kdl-50w800c fault dead

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